Yeaaah, today is my Spanish anniversary! Exactly one month ago I left to Spain. And I really love it here. Not only my appartement and the beautiful weather, do you remember that three weeks ago there was snow around here? Well, not anymore! The average temperature these days is about 15 degrees Celcius and sunny! I LOVE IT.

So, what have I done this first month of my Spanish life? Besides going to school and going to parties at Norton's, the Erasmus-bar, I've explored a lot. Not only by myself, but with my new Erasmus-family. This beautiful country keeps amazing me and something deep inside of me tells me that I will return to this place in the future, for sure, forever. During this first month we've enjoyed a lot of food. A lot a lot. In many different restaurants, bars, etc. Did I already mentioned that I love this place? Well, I DO! Of course, you have to compensate all this food with sports. And how awesome is it that you can join zumba, pilates and you can go swimming here? Got to love my fitgirl-body (by the end of the semester).
Some time ago the university arranged a Welcome Diner, which was a very nice initiative. And yes, more food. And live music! We surely had a good time. Previous week, we went to Barcelona again. This time because there was a cultural festival going on; Festes de Santa Edualia. We'd like to see some typical Catalan dancers, parades and light-festivals so off we went! It was a very special and impressive experience.

Last week also Valentine's Day was being celebrated in Spain. And lucky girl I am, my boyfriend sent me a lovely Valentines-gift. You want to know what it was? Check it on my Instagram! In the evening we went to a really nice Italian restaurant with the best Prosseco-flavoured Sangria ever. And after dinner, we went to the cinema. Can you imagine a better Valentine's Day than this? Nope, me neither.
Last Friday, we went bowling with some Erasmus students and it was so much fun! We really enjoyed this night of quality time together. The day after, on Saturday, we went to Tarragona, a trip also arranged by the university. You have to see this place. It is truly wonderful! Even the way to get there was really breathtaking.
Next trip: Ibiza! Not arranged by school, but by some adventure-seeking Erasmus students. Let the countdown begin (until Spring Break).

I'll keep you posted!
Hasta pronto amigos!